The perfect place to watch Cercle Brugge
Cercle Brugge
Cercle Brugge
When you can't be at the Jan Breydel Stadium cheering on Cercle Brugge in the Belgian Pro League or any of their other exciting competitions, our sports pubs in London are the next best place to catch all the action. With multiple screens throughout the venue, you won't miss a single goal, tackle, or heart-stopping play. Our vibrant atmosphere, delicious food, and wide selection of drinks make us the ultimate destination for football fans seeking a lively and comfortable setting to support their favourite team. Join us for an unforgettable match-day experience as we bring the spirit of Cercle Brugge to London.
Experience the perfect night

Live SportCredit: Beechwood
FootballCredit: samthompson

FootballCredit: samthompson


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Perfect place to watch the game

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